Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Walk Begins Over the Pyrenees

September 12 -13

Our starting point for the Camino was St. Jean Pied de Port, an absolutely charming town in France at the foothills of the Pyrenees. We arrived there the day before the walk to get our pilgrims' credentials and stake out the beginning of our journey. Quite unexpectedly, we were treated to a wonderful experience at the Hotel des Pyrenees with spacious modern rooms, great service and yet another Michelin one-star restaurant. Not to worry, these pleasures will soon be a faint memory . . .

Okay, finally the walk begins! A number of pilgrims gather in the dark shortly after 6 am, a bit nervous about what to expect and how long the first walk will take. On the way to the trail, many of us stop at the boulangerie, conveniently open for early pilgrims, for a warm loaf of bread and french pastry (stockpiling those extra carbs). These anxieties are actually quite normal when you consider that the journey starts with a 20-mile hike climbing close to 4,000 feet then steeply descending more than 1,600 feet into Roncesvalles. Mother Nature made the walk even more treacherous with 30 plus mile-an-hour winds and repeated downpours. In fact, ponchos of all colors were the fashion statement of the day.

Those who stayed the course were rewarded with spectacular views of mountains, hillsides and forests. I must admit that I never once played the music that had been my faithful hiking companion for fear that I would miss the clinging of cow bells and the baas of the sheep who refused to be silenced by the howling wind.

So, Camino Bill and Carol had a wonderful and blister-free first day on their way to Santiago!

~ Buen Camino, Carol ~


  1. Sweetheart,
    This is quite spectacular. I do hope the remainder of your trip is beautiful as this appears. Also glad to hear the feet withstood the first day without blisters. You are my Hero1
    Your Hubby

  2. Fabulous photos and you still look like a fashion icon! Hiking will never be the same!! Hugs and keep those fabulous pictures and good humor going!

  3. Carol,
    This is your big sister writing from the comfort of her sofa in a supine position, with a special guest-secretary, your little sister. We are both wearing leopard ensembles, feeling the animal within us. The scenery is spectacular, you seem happy and serene, living in the here and now. Soon you will be the Buddha herself! Being lovers of the outdoors, we envy you! Soon, I will be nearby, in France. I will send you la lumiere blanche from Paris, while I sit in the boulangerie avec mon mari, sipping on cafe au lait and eating les baguettes avec le beurre et framboises. However, rest assured, I will not, after breakfast, walk 16 miles in a 30 mph headwind at high elevation. Au revoir and love from your fans, Linda, Chris, Suzetta XXXOOO

  4. Congratulations Camino Carol on a successful Day 1! What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing. Can't wait for the next blog.

  5. First day and the views are already spectacular. So happy to hear you are trying to take it all in - sights, sounds, senses. Good for you! Love seeing the pics and you in them. Onward! Love, Kelly

  6. Hi Carol,
    Hope you are enjoying your daily notes!
    Love from Virginia, Suzetta and Bandito-bow bow!

  7. From smile on your face at the end you said I could do that again. I know you set a time record and I know you checked. Keep listening to the baaas and smelling the roses.

  8. My hat off to u my dear!❗️❗️❗️❗️
    I posted picture on FB staying next to Venus de Milo in Louvre yesterday, planty adventurous for me!

  9. Carol,
    Yesterday you were the talk of the table during a lovely yet exercise free lunch at the Acorn Club. Kim B gave a fabulous talk about her adventures collecting 4000+ Russian ornaments. We openly pondered your active state of collecting memories, blisters and personal insight along the Camino trail. You inspire many from afar. And I know you to inspire from near too. Keep on trekking and sharing - and sneaking into more higher end hotels so we can all chucke and say....we told her so. Lots of love and best wishes. Ivy

  10. Good morning Carol,
    It's time to go to work! May God be with you!
    Love, Mom and Dad
    p.s.: Mom came up with "It's time to go to work!" Ha ha! Suzette

  11. Good Morning Madame,
    I hope your day of rest was rejuvenating and that you relaxed. Be well and live fully with every step! Love, Suzetta in Virginia XXXOOO

  12. Carol, I just got back on to your blogs. Some how I was not getting a notification. I just thought you did not have Internet. So glad to read and see the photos!
