Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Ready to Go . . . the Final Days

With all the training of hiking miles in the Arizona sun behind me and after painfully downsizing my belongings to 15 lbs in a backpack, I can now relax and enjoy my final days before boarding the flight to Spain. High on my list of things to do is that last hair cut (okay, and color) by Nelli, the luxury facial by Lucy, and the two-hour deep massage by Angela. Not to worry, I have not yet abandoned all sense of vanity and desire for pampering! Any remaining time is spent having my "Last Suppers" with my hubby Floyd and dear friends . . . with no skimping on wine, carbs and sugar. Talking about icing on the cake, Camino Jim and Robin made a surprise appearance from California to share in a farewell dinner with Muffy and John last evening - that is what walking the Camino does to you! Thank you for all of your kind words of support and encouragement as I make my way to Spain.
All I need for 40 days, really?

~ Camino Jim surrounded ~

Last Supper at the Four Seasons!

See you on the Trails . . . 

                                                             ~ Buen Camino, Carol ~


  1. Wow, what a send off dinner...
    I'm so excited for you.

  2. So happy we could be a part of a very special send off dinner! We love you Carol!

  3. This post is great and I can't wait to hear all about the adventures of Camino Carol! Life stripped of luxuries and every day conveniences is going to be quite an experience but I know these will be memories that will last a lifetime!

  4. Carol!! Congrats to you!! How amazing that your life for the next 40 days or so, fits into that tiny pack. It becomes so clear with so few things that all the best parts of us are within. I pray for the most beautiful, enlivening experience for you, that all that you seek surprises you tenfold, that you realize the most beautiful parts of yourself, that you connect with other great souls!! All challenges are just a great story we get to laugh about later with friends. Blessings and I cannot WAIT to read this story as it unfolds. Much love to you <3 Amanda

  5. Today's the day! Safe travels, and I look forward to learning all about it during and after your journey - hoping someday I may have the opportunity to take this journey. Love you.

  6. The last picture is the best! Grit and beauty all in one. Looking forward to reading about your adventure Carol.

  7. I am anxiously awaiting news!! Thinking of you!

  8. Ok, Carol, this is it! From conceiving the idea, to all the talking, reading, planning and walking ... it's showtime!

    Although we're not actually sharing this adventure, as we thought, I'll be there in spirit. You can be sure of my regular prayers for your guidance, openness, stamina, resiliency ... and just plain fun.

    All love, my friend.

  9. Looking forward to your posts. Will be thinking of you every day and sending our love.

  10. Camino Carol,
    At age 6, you were my idol. At age 58 you still remain to be my idol . There is nothing on this earth that you cannot achieve. I must admit I find some humor in you being stripped of all luxuries that you have so earned. Imagine all your necessities in one backpack, lol. I look forward to your posts of all the wonderful experiences that are awaiting you! God Bless you, Camino Carol! ❤️��
    Forever ,

  11. Camino Cayenne,
    I imagine you've gotten a taste of the Camino by now. What was it - Maine Lobster? Your special pancakes? Turkey burger? Starbucks latte or oatmeal? Morning eggs and avocado by Chef Floyd? Love you, and thinking of you often, Suzetta in Wyoming XXXOOO

  12. Aunt Carol,

    You've done a great job with your blog. I can't wait to read more. You inspire me to maybe start something like this for my time in Asia.

    You're going to have a blast and the stories will be wonderful. Safety on your journey and love you. Ben
