Thursday, September 29, 2016

An Early Start to a One-of-a-Kind Day

September 29

Our plan was to have a wholesome breakfast before starting the day's 660-foot climb on our walk to Fromista.  When we learned the kitchen would not open for at least an hour, our Camino family of 6 headed out in the dark. We made it to the top of the hill just as the sun was rising over the valley floor.


The walk downhill took us through the natural beauty of farmland and rivers. We also came upon a 13th century hospital that had been restored into the beautiful Albergue San Nicolas, which was illuminated by candlelight and offered the ritual of "washing of the feet." It is said to be a blessing to find a bed there and, after a short visit, I could understand why.

Otherwise, it was a day of strolling along tree-lined paths, taking a rest on a park bench, or simply contemplating . . .

Fromista, our destination, is a town of 840 people known for its pilgrim hospitals and Romanesque and Gothic churches. So you can imagine my surprise when we walked into our hotel - Dona Mayor - a hidden gem of modern comfort. My dusty hiking boots and backpack seemed a bit out of place but one thing I am learning on the Camino is to embrace the unexpected, and I am happy to be getting more practice.

~ Buen Camino, Carol ~ 


  1. Carol,
    Please forgive me for not commenting before now(or at least getting my comment posted)but I had computer - or at least computer operator issues. Jim and I have been following you daily, through the beauty, blisters, flu, and new friendships, and with your comments and pictures I am beginning to understand the spiritual, inspirational, and purely unbelievable commitment you made to pursue this journey. I know that you will finish what you began and in the process of observing your beautiful surroundings, you are feeding your soul and rediscovering your self. I doubt that you've ever had the time and opportunity to do this. I'm not trying to be too philosophical, but the opportunities to get all of this together, plus the physical challenge, is really overwhelming! You are superwoman and still amaze me!
    I am looking forward to the next chapter of your blog, as well as getting time with you when you've completed your journey. Think about a nice relaxing sailing trip to give us time to go over each detail of your "walk."
    Too much said here, so I'll make my next comment more down to earth!! I am just thoroughly amazed my dear friend!
    we love you and Floyd so much!
    Jim and Lori

  2. p.s.: Nice to see you in a beautiful new orange color!

  3. Such beautiful photos as always - the sunrise is spectacular. I can't wait to read your next blog.
    Love and prayers,

  4. I would bet your new friends have improved your pace greatly. Sounds like you have gotten your second wind and are ready to roll.

  5. So happy you are doing great! And a nice room to top it off. Maybe save a roll at dinner for early morning snack! LOL! Enjoy! The feet are walking without pain? Hugs, ET
