Monday, October 3, 2016

The Rituals of Every Walk

October 2 - 3

The walks to Sahagun and El Burgo Ranero, unlike many others, were very restful.  They felt like the Camino photos you often see of contemplative pilgrims walking on wide natural paths through open fields and more protected forestland. It dawned on me at some point that, regardless of the kind of terrain covered or the miles traveled, there are certain rituals practiced by pilgrims on every walk. They are simply what good pilgrims do.

Take time to be alone as well as to share life with fellow pilgrims. . .

Stop along the way to tend to your abused feet . . .

Replenish your body with all sorts of fuel . . .

Always celebrate the end of a good day's work . . .

I must share one last ritual, not because it is part of the daily Camino walks, but because of the fond memories it brought back of my Catholic education as a young girl. We entered the Monasterios Benedictine in Santa Cruz fully expecting to attend Mass but instead came upon the Benedictine nuns in the midst of Sunday Vespers. I had not seen a nun in full habit for years and found a strange sense of comfort knowing that this ritual has not been totally abandoned.  Only on the Camino . . .

~ Buen Camino, Carol ~ 


  1. Nice post. You have probably had more what you call junk food on the trail than you have had in the last 60 plus years. You may go thru withdrawal. I like your new scarf.

  2. Camino Cayenne,
    I love hearing about the people-isms of your Camino Culture and its pilgrims. You are part of a very special group! Like Mara, I, too, love your neckwear - very "buff,"like you!! It seems Camino pilgrims include more women than men - is this so? You describe so many awakenings along the journey, with much variety. I love seeing you do what you would never consider, be it drinking Coca-Cola (although the photo does not show you drinking it) or allowing someone to tie your shoes!!!! I wonder if con leche is gaining ground on the Starbuck latte. Until we meet again on this very special blog - it's snowing here in the west.
    Suzetta XXXOOO

  3. Love the photos of the nuns. What a wonderful experience you are having. So proud of you. Much love to you and your feet!
